Spider Lilies follows the heart-wrenching love story of two Taiwanese women. Zhuzi, is a tattoo artist in her 20s who continues her father’s legacy by opening up her own tattoo store. She inhabits a world of internal turmoil due to a past filled with grief and guilt....
As is the case with most organizations, fans, supporters, and enthusiasts of QWOC+ Boston mainly get to experience the front-end of the organizing work — the endless fliers that are handed out at different events, the limitless Facebook posts and updates...
As women of color, most of us are very used to asserting part(s) of ourselves that seem easily forgotten or ignored by others. For example, if we’re in a group of ethnically similar peoples, we want our sexuality to be recognized. Likewise, if we’re in a group of LGBT...
By BONNIE ERBE’ Here’s one thing you probably know about “don’t ask, don’t tell,” the Pentagon policy on gays and lesbians in the military. As my colleague Patricia Murphy reports, a bill to dismantle this outdated policy is wending...