Call the Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes (718) 250-2000
Demand he Drop the Charges Against Tiffany Jimenez now!
In the early morning of Sunday May 17, 2009 several officers from the 77th Precinct came to the Ife Lounge in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. They then entered the lounge and physically removed Jeanette Gray (Jg) who was working at the club as a promoter and photographer from the premises. Once outside again without justification they began to viciously assault her while yelling homophobic slurs. While these officers were assaulting Gray, other officers began to violently push the partygoers who were observing. Tiffany Jimenez, a partygoer, attempted to leave the area with her friends in order to avoid the conflict. Officers pushed Jimenez to the ground and attacked her. Both Gray and Jimenez were arrested. Gray was charged with Criminal Trespass and Resisting Arrest. Both charges were subsequently adjourned in Contemplation of Dismissal. Jimenez was charged with disorderly conduct.
In a blatant effort to cover up their misconduct, police claimed that Jimenez was so highly intoxicated that she had to be taken to the hospital on the night of the incident. This allegation is blatantly false. Jimenez was never taken for medical treatment of any kind while in police custody, only seeking treatment for the injuries she suffered at the hands of the police after she was released from police custody.
How you can support:
1. Call the DA, 718.250.2000 and text us at 347-721-1309 to let us know that you’ve called
2. Text, call, or email at least 10 people to do the same
3. Donate to the Living Against Violence Fund to support both Tiffany and Jg’s medical, living, and legal expenses. Please specify ?LAV-JG?.
4. Get involved with organizations like the Audre Lorde Project and Make the Road NY.
What to say:
Hi, my name is __________________________ and I?m calling in support of Tiffany Jimenez.
On May 17th, Tiffany was assaulted and subjected to homophobic verbal abuse by police officers at the IFE Lounge in Crown Heights Brooklyn. She was then arrested and taken into police custody, where she experienced additional violations of her rights. I?m calling to demand that the charges against Tiffany Jimenez be dropped and that assault charges be brought against the officers who violated her rights
About the Audre Lorde Project and the S.O.S. Collective
The S.O.S. Collective works to challenge hate and police violence that affects LGBTSTGNC (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, and Gender Non-Conforming) people of color in Central Brooklyn. We are guided by the belief that strategies that increase the police presence within our communities do not create safety. Therefore we believe in fighting the root causes of violence by building stronger relationships within our communities to prevent, intervene, and hold attackers accountable outside of the system.
The Audre Lorde Project is a community organizing center of LGBTSTGNC people of color. Through mobilization, education and capacity-building, we work for community wellness and progressive social and economic justice. Committed to struggling across differences, we seek to responsibly reflect, represent and serve our various communities.
About GLOBE and Make the Road NY.
Globe is a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and queer people primarily from communities of color in Bushwick, Bed-Stuy, Brownsville and other parts of central and north Brooklyn. Our mission is to empower our communities through organizing and education. Our membership is intergenerational, ranging from age 14-50+. Globe is one of the few New York City groups founded by, led and constituted by low-income LGBTQ people of color organizing around public policy issues that have impact at the city-wide, state-wide and national level. Globe is a project of Make the Road New York.
With over 5900 members, and offices in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, Make the Road New York (MRNY) is the largest membership-based immigrant organization in New York City. Make the Road New York promotes economic justice, equity and opportunity for all New Yorkers through community and electoral organizing, strategic policy advocacy, leadership development, youth and adult education, and high quality legal and support services.