Ask Your Senator to Sign On in Support of an LGBT Question on the National Health Interview Survey
As we let you know last week, Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) is leading the charge in the Senate to rally support for appropriating the $2 million necessary to add an LGBT demographic question to the National Health Interview Survey. The Senator has begun circulating a sign-on “Dear Colleague” letter in the Senate.
Contact your Senator today to ask them to sign onto the Whitehouse Letter in the Senate.
To contact your Senator, please call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121, tell them your state, and ask to speak to your Senator. When you are connected to your Senator’s office, ask for the staff member who works on Health and Human Services appropriations. Tell them that you are a constituent who supports appropriating an additional $2 million for the National Health Interview Survey and that you would like them to sign on. In order to sign on, they need to contact Jordanna Davis in Senator Whitehouse’s office by close of business on Friday, May 1st.