Alert! We Need Your Help Today!

Our December RENT is due and we WILL be short unless you make a donation today. We’ve already raised $185 in monthly donations. We need $286 (rounded to $290) by THURSDAY to meet our goal for this month.

Here’s what you can do:

1) Make a one-time donation via Chip-In (below)
Note: The ChipIn goal is the cost of our monthly operating budget, less the amount of sustainer support we have already. Click here to view detailed budget w/ pledges.

2) Become a Monthly Donor at $10-20/month
This will make us VERY happy! To sign up, go to the sidebar at, then select your preferred level to subscribe.

QWOC+ Boston has not just lasted — it has GROWN — after five years of community-based support, and our community has been better for it. Our needs, our goals, our direction — no watering down our mission for the sake of chasing grant money. We listen to YOU, only, and thus rely on your support to keep up our work!

Please consider making a donation today AND encouraging at least one more person to do the same.

We know we can do this. Our community always comes through. We appreciate all your support in advance.

One-Time Donation via Chip-In


Become A Monthly Subscriber via PayPal

Sustainer Donor Levels