Jesse Wang
Social Media Marketing Intern

Hi my friends! I’m a graduate student at Boston University and my concentration is in Innovation and Technology, focusing on innovative business classes. I’m mostly concerned about human rights and I believe all people, including the LGBT community, deserve equal rights. Seeing the discrimination faced by LGBT people, I really want to do something about it, and am committed to doing what I can to address this.

I am originally from Taiwan. While many people imagine Asian culture is very conservative and traditional, Taiwan is quickly diversifying it’s ideals and society is adapting to the idea of homosexuality. The younger generation especially is molding a culture with a heavier concentration on individuality. So much so, that pretty soon we may even have a Taiwanese chapter of QWOC!

[pullquote3 quotes=”true” align=”center”]I believe all people, including the LGBT community, deserve equal rights. [/pullquote3]

I love to experience anything new, making new friends and am a HUGE Celtics fan. Other than that, my professional interest lies in social media marketing and developing business ventures. Social media is a great outlet for gay individuals to not only express themselves, but to also know more about the gay community. As a Social Media Marketing Intern, I plan on applying all I’ve learned to help QWOC Media Wire grow as we amplify the voices of Queer Women of Color.

I’m looking forward to a very fun experience!

Equal Rights, Technology, Social Media, Business  

Boston, MA

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[styled_link link=”” variation=”purple”]Click here to view all of Jesse’s articles.[/styled_link]