Have you ever wanted to work for a QPOC (queer people of color) organization? Well, look no further! Queer Women of Color Media (QWOC Media) Seeks a Marketing Communication Intern About Us Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+) is a grassroots organization and media...
We are thrilled to welcome Lina, our 2011 Summer Intern, to QWOC+ Boston, just in time for QWOC Week Planning Season! Just two weeks into her internship and Lina has already proven that she’s not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get to work; she was invaluable...
I went to my first pride festival about a year and a half ago, I think. It was located in downtown Vegas and, of course, my first reaction was fear and delight. Delight because I had never gone to such an event before and fear because my suburban upbringing had taught...
QWOC Week is approaching! You’ve seen the purple ads, the email blasts, the facebook invites, and status updates. You’ve even began spreading / sharing this exciting news to others yourself! Now what? Well, surely the final step to attending QWOC Week is...
OUTside the Box: a Queer People of Color Visual Artist Showcase/Exhibition/Sale Space In preparation for the second annual QWOC WEEK, presented by Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston), the organizers of Boston’s multicultural LGBTQ festival (August...