QWOC Media Wire is a media advocacy organization and online platform that amplifies the voices and thought leadership of sexual minorities around the world. We are happy to announce that we’re seeking THREE new editors to join our team! Non-US candidates are...
“In the Borderlands you are the battleground where enemies are kin to each other; you are at home, a stranger, the border disputes have been settled the volley of shots have shattered the truce you are wounded, lost in action dead, fighting back; To survive the...
In case you didn’t notice by the Target dollar section’s sea of hearts and pink, February is upon us! Which means it’s Time for Valentines Day, Black History Month, LGBT History Month (UK), National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and much more. We are looking...
Portland-based CROSSHAIRS zine is looking to place a spotlight on the intersection of identities that are often silenced in the community. CROSSHAIRS is asking queer and trans* people of color to contribute their work as a means of healing and resource building. By...
When we ponder the concepts of religion and queerness, what images and issues come to mind? In discussions involving religion and LGBT issues for QPOC, the focus in mainstream media has almost always been on Christian families, churches, and communities, and the...