The new British web drama “In The Deep” is not your typical queer web series–it has an honest portrayal of queer people of color lives and movie-quality production. I think I’d call that a win-win. The series follows four best friends living in...
Genetic mutations, futuristic worlds and lesbian love are just a few of the themes in this animated, sci-fi film feature, “Strange Frame”, directed and co-written by GB Hajim and out African-American lesbian musician, Shelley Doty. Strange Frame follows...
Dear Shonda Rhimes, I know we don’t know each other or anything but I just wanted to take a moment this Valentine’s Day to say, “I love you.” Don’t worry, it’s not “like that.” I’m already taken, which is actually...
The newest social media tool, Vine, is up and running in the iTunes store and QWOC Media Wire is excited about all the ways this micro-video-blogging tool could be used to create more visibility for queer people of color. Dig it. Vine, “The Instagram of...